Bryan Hemming

short stories, comment, articles, humour and photography

Bryan Hemming for Nobel Peace Prize

Vote for Peace

In a fawning article on Baroness Catherine Ashton in today’s Independent entitled: The quiet diplomat: Catherine Ashton – recognised and admired in all the world’s troubled countries, yet ridiculed at home the pathetic claim: ‘On Facebook, there is even a “Catherine Ashton for Nobel Peace Prize” page, with 32 likes.’ was made. For someone, who has received so much front page coverage of late, to regard this ridiculously modest number as a great achievement speaks volumes. Little wonder she finds herself the subject of ridicule.

In the comments section below the Independent article I posted the challenge that I think I could manage more than that on my blog. So, I am asking my followers and other readers to help me prove it. Now, thirty-two likes on my blog really would be quite an achievement.

For those, who have never heard of this unelected EU politician, along with the likes of John McCain, John Kerry, and Victoria Nuland, Catherine Ashton can lay claim to the dubious honour of helping bring the world one step closer to WW3 with her recent shenanigans in Kiev, where she encouraged groups of demonstrators, including gangs of anti-semitic rightwing thugs, to overthrow the legitimately elected leader of Ukraine.

Although I am no supporter of Viktor Yanukovych, encouraging this type of antidemocractic behaviour in a nation already dangerously divided along nationalistic, political and religious lines is both irresponsible and criminal. Their actions probably would have resulted in McCain, Kerry, Nuland and Ashton being held on charges of inciting extremists and actively supporting terrorism in their own countries.

But the West has developed a reputation for fomenting and funding discontent in other sovereign nations. Political and military interventions in Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and many other places have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent victims and the injury of many more. Ill-conceived actions have divided fragile societies even further, encouraged terrorism, brought financial ruin, and increased corruption to unsustainable levels. This in turn has led to abject poverty for millions of ordinary people. It is increasingly likely the same is about to happen to Ukraine, whatever the pundits and politicians predict. They were wrong about all the others, so what makes them think they are right about Ukraine?

The idea Baroness Catherine  Ashton should be put forward for the Nobel Peace Prize would be yet another stain on this already deeply discredited honour. For this warmonger to even have her name associated with the Nobel Peace Prize would only sully the reputation of Norway even further. Norway was the homeland of my late mother, and this attempt to push Ashton’s name forward in such a cynical manner makes me feel deep shame for a country I often consider partly as my home.

I do not wish to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, and don’t expect to be. Unlike the efforts of Ashton’s well-oiled publicity machine, this is not an attempt towards that aim. My purpose is simply to bring to attention her recent history, which should enough to disqualify her.

If you are against Western interference in Ukraine, and believe it is bringing the world closer to World War III, vote for me by pressing the like button. Vote early, and vote often. I thank you for your support.

Bryan Hemming

And I don’t think anyone said it much better than John Lennon with Imagine

19 comments on “Bryan Hemming for Nobel Peace Prize

  1. eremophila
    March 16, 2014

    The day that Obama got the Peace Prize was when I no longer took any interest in the ‘Chook raffle’.
    Except of course, when I realised you were honking for it 🙂
    People around Australia marched this weekend protesting about a range of issues – so far the government hasn’t taken action against marches, but nothing would surprise me these days….


    • Bryan Hemming
      March 16, 2014

      Must admit Obama has been about the biggest let down I’ve ever known. “Yes, we can” was his slogan. Only he forgot to explain who ‘we’ were. We were the same old phonies as before in wrapped in new gift paper. Yes, we can fool all the people all the time.


  2. Laura Bloomsbury
    March 10, 2014

    Bryan you have said it all and said it well. You get my vote. Am appalled by the same ideology being spouted by all our media outlets regardless of apparent political leanings. Fools rush in from here, the EU, USA to sanction a putsch which they would abhor if it happened in their backyard. As for the Ashton woman – she is surely a figment of someone’s frightful imagination.


    • Bryan Hemming
      March 10, 2014

      Thanks, Laura. To think she was probably at the head one of the CND marches I went on in the 1970s. Ugh!


  3. Bryan Hemming
    March 10, 2014

    Catherine Ashton did not just ‘go’ to Ukraine, she openly supported the groups of demonstrators erecting barricades in Maidan Square. Something the police would have arrested her for had she done the same in London or New York.

    A substantial minority of those demonstrators belonged to the extreme rightwing Svoboda Party, which has historical connections with Nazi Germany, and is widely known for its violence. Several members of Svoboda are now ministers in the new government of Ukraine.

    Catherine Ashton is not the Minister for Foreign Affairs of a nation called Europe. There is no such entity. Her rather pompous and ambiguous full title is: High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy for the European Union. Despite that she hasn’t even been elected as an MEP, and has no mandate to act in any other role other than to facilitate European trade. The security part of her role is mainly involves co-ordinating policy against internal threats of terrorism within the EU. The EU has a habit of over-exaggerating its powers. The grandiose title exhibits the type of vanity usually associated with tinpot dictatorships.

    She should be steering well clear of crisis points, where there might be potential military conflict. The EU nations have enough foreign ministers of their own to deal with outside threats should they arise. Europe doesn’t have a single foreign policy, as such, neither does it have an army to back up any course of action Catherine Ashton might decide upon. In other words the security part of her title is nominal and has no teeth.

    The role of NATO – which is not the army of the EU – is to protect member states under threat from other nations. Ukraine is not a member state nor is Crimea, neither of which pose a threat to Europe. And, as she visited Ukraine before Russia got involved in the present crisis, she doesn’t even have that as an excuse for her provocative actions. I agree wholeheartedly with you about the madness of stationing US missiles in Ukraine.

    You should follow the link to The Independent article, then you might understand why I posted this. Someone, probably her husband Paul Kellner, who is president of the on-line polling organisation YouGov, encouraged one of his associates to push forward her campaign to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on Facebook. It is not a competition.

    You might like to know that it was a cross-party group within the US House of Representatives that nominated her in the first place, along with the Serbian and Kosovan negotiators involved in peace talks between the two Balkan states. For much of the populations of the countries involved, the problem was not solved in the least. Many Serbians still feel particularly aggrieved.

    She has also won praise from the US for representing their interests in talks with Iran on monitoring the county’s nuclear energy programme. Nearly all of her peace efforts have left many people in the nations involved deeply dissatisfied, as they seem to be tailored to fit US foreign policy.

    I make it quite clear in my post I’m not actually interested in being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize whatsoever, for I’ve done nothing to deserve it. That was meant to be tongue in cheek.

    Nevertheless, there are plenty of ordinary people from around the world that have done far more to promote peace in a real way than Catherine Ashton has.

    Added to that, I’m sick and tired of politicians putting themselves and their friends forward for yet another award that is intended for people who actually promote peace, not themselves. Catherine Ashton is not such a person.

    John Lennon was just a popular musician shot by a mentally-disturbed man obsessed by him. It gives your comment no credit to insult his memory.

    However, I still thank you very much for your contribution to the debate, it is very much appreciated.

    I have looked at your own blog and see you have family connections with Ukraine. I hope for a peaceful resolution to the country’s problems, and one which will satisfy all sides.


  4. berlioz1935
    March 10, 2014

    Bryan, why do you call Ashton a warmonger?

    Because she went to Kiev? As an EU representative for foreign affairs it was her duty to go.

    Has she earned a nomination for the Nobel Peace Price? I don’t think so. If she has tried for peace, she hasn’t achieved it yet – and neither have you. So, no vote for you!

    What you have to say about the “West” is probably true. You are probably talking about the “old West”, the one from the Cold War era. Those “old warriors” are sitting mainly in the USA and have some supporters in Europe. But it is not the EU per se as the statement “fuck the EU” illustrates.

    Those “old warriors” want to encircle Russia since the year dot for various reasons. No wonder Putin finds so much support in his own country. He is a nationalist and people in his country like him standing up to to “West”. They have not forgotten the humiliation of losing the Soviet Union.

    Now mad people want to expand NATO to their borders. Do you remember the Cuban Missile Crisis? The US did not want to have enemy missiles at their door step. The same argument applies in reverse.

    Putin probably doesn’t want the whole Ukraine as he would have to have another local insurrection to fight. He takes the East-Ukraine – thank you very much.

    John Lennon did not have the imagination that people could hate him for his antics. He treated the public with contempt and paid
    with his life for it.


  5. auntyuta
    March 9, 2014

    ” . . . . I don’t hear the same sort of praise being heaped on Obama, far from it. Yet he could’ve been one of greatest presidents, if only he’d followed his convictions.”
    I couldn’t agree more!


    • Bryan Hemming
      March 9, 2014

      And the amazing thing was Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He is one of the reasons it has fallen into such disrepute.


  6. colltales
    March 8, 2014

    Self promotions and misinformation are the tenets of this age. Of course, I’d vote for you, Bryan. What’s startling is that, despite all new outlets to express discontent with the way such a volatile situation is being portrayed, there’s an absolute lack of nuance and critical thinking. The same in Venezuela. We’re always fast making judgements and slow in sorting things out, so to see it for what it is, far from a B&W conflict, of West vs. East, which only serves the purposes of war profiteers.


    • Bryan Hemming
      March 8, 2014

      Venezuela is a particular bugbear of mine. Without wanting to seem as though I gave unconditional support for Hugo Chavez, or give unconditional support to Nicolás Maduro, I certainly understand how difficult it is to find anything trustworthy in the mainstream media about Venezuela, and don’t believe a word issued by the rightwing media there.

      I had a tremendous amount of admiration for Chavez. Despite the US’s continual attempts to undermine him he became the one of the most admired presidents in Latin America. Here in Spain most South Americans I know speak of him with special reverence for standing up against Uncle Sam.

      I don’t hear the same sort of praise being heaped on Obama, far from it. Yet he could’ve been one of greatest presidents, if only he’d followed his convictions.


  7. Bryan Hemming
    March 8, 2014

    Reblogged this on Missives from Santa Catalina.


  8. ameninaluz
    March 8, 2014

    and then again, she’s joining an illustrious gallery of rogues. Let’s see: Obama of the drones springs to mind; and amongst this years nominees are Putin and Pope Francis, so… A cursory google search failed to yield the list of the 278 enlightened pacifists up for this year’s circus, though.

    Now, can we tw*t & G+ this for you…?


    • Bryan Hemming
      March 8, 2014

      Please use as many outlets as possible to bring this to people’s attention. The idea that most people in the West support these goons is an invention of the mainstream media.


      • ameninaluz
        March 8, 2014

        Like most everything we’re living through, and what most people believe to be true. But hey, they’re effective, aren’t they, look at how all the little ‘sheeples’ become deaf and blind and convinced and acquiescent.

        The thing that most appalls me in the end is that these privileged nullities get a substantial money prize on top of it all, when there’s so much famine all over, now even in the ‘advanced’ nations. But yeah, well, I’ve got issues with wealth distribution… 🙂

        How’s Spain today? Miserable here, for a change. We’re getting your ball rolling now. A little bit of subversion can go a long way… ;-D


      • Bryan Hemming
        March 8, 2014

        Thanks so much. Let’s hope we can get things moving. I’ve just posted on The Guardian site, If it doesn’t get moderated there, it could bring a lot of likes.

        As for the weather here, it’s been about as bad as the UK until the last two days when the sun returned. Just in time too as today is carneval here in Conil, and we’ll be out with the revellers later on.


      • ameninaluz
        March 8, 2014

        Tw*ted to about 800 people. 🙂 I’m redesigning my blog, but count on opening it this weekend, and will give you a bit of publicity there too.
        Enjoy Carneval – and please write and post some pictures, for the enjoyment of the rest of us, stuck in this greyness… ‘Carnival’ used to be great in Portugal too. For my last one before I came here, I sewed a black chicken costume, padded with tons of pillows, with wired wings and a huge red crest… Priceless. Nobody knew who I was, and I spent the night tricking all my friends into buying me drinks on a promise of taking the chicken’s head off… Ah, old times.


      • Bryan Hemming
        March 8, 2014

        There’s some photos of Carneval 2012 here when you get time to look. Look forward to seeing your re-vamped blog, and I’ll return the publicity if you send me site address. Cheers


  9. ameninaluz
    March 8, 2014

    Bryan, you, any day of the week!!!


    • Bryan Hemming
      March 8, 2014

      Thanks a lot for your support. Tell all your friends and keep those votes coming in.


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This entry was posted on March 8, 2014 by in Articles and tagged , , .

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