Bryan Hemming

short stories, comment, articles, humour and photography

Scooting through the headlines … aliens


Scooting through the headlines, I like at least two stories in today’s Independent. How Europeans evolved to have white skin, starting from around 8,000 years ago is great clickbait. With an election in Britain just over a month away, it can be sure of attracting voters of all shades and prejudices, as you can’t quite tell if it’s going to be rabidly right wing, or intellectually patronising. The most amazing bit about it is how all this science fails to explain why so many of those evolutionised whites head beachwards trying to get their skin brown again. Very interesting that. Maybe they all went north on holiday to get white 8,000 years ago.

And then there’s this one: “I think we’re going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade,” Nasa chief scientist Ellen Stofan said to somebody, somewhere, at some point. “We know where to look. We know how to look.” In We will have definitive evidence of alien life in 20 years, Stofan stopped short of saying, “And when we find it, we’ll kill it.” But, looking at the way things are going here on Earth, we can all sleep safe in our beds tonight, knowing that’s probably the underlying message. Finding aliens right here in the Milky Way is like finding cockroaches under your sink, or weevils in your muesli. It’s comforting to know our NASA chief scientists are as vigilant as pest control operatives. The real reason they’re looking for extra-terrestrial life is to eliminate it.

More from Scooting through the headlines … soon.

Copyright © 2015 Bryan Hemming

7 comments on “Scooting through the headlines … aliens

  1. Martina Ramsauer
    April 11, 2015

    I am afraid that the more degenerated we are the more cruel we become! Many thanks for this very interesting post.:)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nil
    April 9, 2015

    Interesting… 😉


  3. Bryan Hemming
    April 9, 2015

    Seems Ellen Stofan and NASA don’t have to look any further than Alabama, then.


  4. ginjuh
    April 8, 2015

    I watched the HBO documentary about Scientology/L Ron Hubbard last night and had crazy sci-fi dreams. And now this blog. I have Alien brain.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. colltales
    April 8, 2015

    I used to look forward to ‘greet’ aliens, but now I’m not so sure. Either I feel a bit embarrassed for belonging to our crap race, in case they are er indeed more evolved than us, or I’m actually afraid they come to the same conclusion I did some time ago, and, well, decide to run a space highway just on the path of Earth, just like Douglas Adams envisioned (and conveniently signed off so not to witness it). In any case, a great post Bryan.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bryan Hemming
      April 9, 2015

      More or less the way I feel, Wesley, Thanks.


      • colltales
        April 9, 2015

        I think we’ve all learned that we can’t be trusted, after all. So they can keep all that star crossing travel to themselves; we’re not that interesting. thanks


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